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Adam Anderson Chevy Steam Roller Truck 22

Many photos of this truck that you are about to see in the footage below have been seen around the web for a while now. At first, we thought it was only a mock-up of some old beat-up chassis fitted against some ancient axle with enormous balloon tires. However, it turns out that this Chevy steam roller truck is actually real and runs as well!

Adam Anderson Chevy Steam Roller Truck 14

Wait till you see how this thing spins its tires. Judging by what this guy has done, he must be one crazy enthusiast. We are totally blown away. The guy we are talking about is named Adam Anderson.

Adam Anderson is the eldest son of Monster Truck legend Dennis Anderson who is the guy behind the Grave Digger Monster Truck. Obviously this is from where Adam has inherited his insane talent for building crazy machines. Adam is also the driver of this Chevy steam roller truck. The Andersons are definitely one awesome gearhead clan. They are probably installing nitrous and goofing around with old trucks all day long. They are very fun people indeed and this video can attest to it. Check out the video below and tell us what you think. We just wonder what engine is inside that thing.

Finally, click here to see the best trucks designed for off-road adventures!