3 Reasons You Need Better Auto Insurance

Besides the basic fact that auto insurance is legally required in most U.S. states, there are many additional reasons to buy the best car insurance you can afford. You never want to drive and find yourself in an accident without auto liability insurance, at the very least. This fundamental insurance policy helps to pay for any covered losses and medical bills for the other driver and their passengers.

3 Reasons You Need Better Auto Insurance 2

It will also pay for any legal fees you may face in case you need to go to court. However, none of this covers losses you may incur.

Even if you already have full coverage auto insurance, you may need more. Here are three reasons you need better auto insurance.

1. Your State’s Laws May Require Special Coverage and Policy Features

Each state’s laws set its own minimum required auto liability coverage for drivers. The minimum is enough to keep you legal and safe from fines when pulled over for a traffic stop, but will it cover everything you need in case of a major car accident?

Increasing your coverage limits provides you with added financial cushion in the event of an accident and general peace of mind. Keep in mind that if your minimum coverage does not cover everything, you may pay out-of-pocket. In events where someone is critically injured, the costs may far exceed your coverage. The ultimate price tag could devastate your bank account.

2. Your New Lender or Leasing Agent May Require a Step Up in Auto Insurance

Whether you are financing a new loan or leasing a new vehicle, you most likely will need high-quality insurance that includes collision and comprehensive coverage. The lender will likely want some type of assurance that before letting you drive their car off the lot. Consider policies like those provided by USAA that ease your mind while driving. Here are just a few benefits to going with a plan like those that USAA offers:

  • Payment flexibility to tailor your payment schedule
  • Easy online access for better account management
  • Claims center that is available before, during and after you need them
  • Peak liability coverage and much more to cover any occurrence
  • Comprehensive and collision coverage to financially protect your auto investment

3. You May Need More Help Tending to Your Own Vehicle After an Accident

While a large factor of importance in auto insurance is taking care of the other car’s damages through liability insurance, you still need to worry about repairing your own vehicle. You still want to be able to drive your own car once you’ve tended to your liability responsibilities.

Additionally, some damages to your vehicle may happen without encountering another vehicle. For instance, if you bump into your garage and damage your bumper, you will need to repair that on your own if you don’t have insurance.

Hailstorms and damage from fallen tree limbs can damage your car, so better insurance makes sure you don’t have to pay for those repairs out-of-pocket.

The expenses can pile up fast if you don’t invest in comprehensive or collision coverage.

Invest in the Best Possible Insurance for Your Car

Investing in a high-caliber auto insurance policy means you can drive with more confidence. Knowing that you can fully take care of any damages to another car, pay for all your own car’s needs in an accident with another vehicle and managing incidental damages to your auto offers peace of mind.