There`s nothing quite like the first time you get your own car. Whether it`s a brand-new one that you saved up months for, or something that you got for second-hand, it is an exciting and monumental moment for first time owners. With your first car, comes a new set of responsibilities. A car is an investment, and you`ll want to keep it in tip-top shape to make the most out of your purchase. By making sure that everything`s in order and that there aren`t any problems in your vehicle, you`ll get a bang for your buck since it will serve you for a long time, so all the car care tips are very important.

Don`t get overwhelmed by all the responsibilities; It`s something to get excited over! Soon enough, you`ll be treating this car as your baby, and will be looking after it diligently.
Since this is your first time, you`ve come to the perfect place to help you on your path as a first-time car owner. Read on for the essential car care tips we`ve prepared for you!
- Secure Your Documents
New cars usually come with a manual, but for both used cars and new ones, it`s important that you review all the documents that came with the transaction.
For second hand cars, contact your dealer for the history and the handbook. If they`ve lost the copy over the years, consult the internet as manuals are commonly available online for download as well.
You also have to make sure that necessary paperwork like your registration and insurance are close by as well! You can store there in the glove compartment, dashboard, or in a folder under your seats. These will definitely come in handy someday!
2. Find a Trusted Mechanic
Of course, you can just go to whichever one`s available, but it`s best to have a “go-to” mechanic that will know the history of your car. The problem with jumping from one care repair shop to another is that they`ll spend precious time tinkering around to find out the history of your car. With someone who`s been your trusted mechanic, he or she will automatically know what`s wrong with your vehicle.
Make sure that you do diligent research, and check the repair shop`s credentials as well as your mechanic`s. Going to someone who`s unqualified for the job can lead you down a rabbit hole that will cost you more in the long run! This is why it`s best to find one that has a reasonable cost, and will genuinely fix your car`s troubles.
For second hand vehicles, this is even more vital. If you have a hand-me-down classic car, a full classic car restoration may be what`s best. You`ll have it running as close to its original state, and looking as if it was just bought yesterday!
3. Assemble an Emergency Kit
While prevention is the best solution, it`s inevitable that you will encounter tiny hiccups on the road. May it be a flat tire, or something simpler, we recommend that you get your emergency kit ready for any type of car trouble.
The essentials of a car emergency kit are a car jack, flash light, a cleaning kit, a rubbish bag, an umbrella, a whistle, extra phone battery, and important phone numbers. If you think you`ll need more than these, stock up on it! It`s better to be prepared than to be stuck on the side way, desperate for help.
These are only some of the 3 things you need to keep in mind as you enjoy your first car. There are definitely more nuggets of wisdom that you`ll pick up along the way! Just be sure that you always drive responsibly and attentively.