TOP 7 Smallest Airplanes Ever Built!

When it comes to just having some fun, RC cars and planes are everyone`s favorite. Hence, we can go out and spend some quality time with them, but what you are about to see in the following video is something way more than just fun, as we take a look at 7 of the smallest airplanes ever built by human.

7 Smallest Airplanes 2

But what makes these planes so special? Well, even though they are small, you can still get inside one and fly it! First on the list is the FLS Micro Jet. This is a single seat high performance jet which is built completely out of metal. The original design of the planes dates back to the 70s, and this amateur constructor managed to make one for him. This plane also featured in one of James Bond movies!

Next on the list is the Eclipse 400 (concept). This planes features in this list hence it is the world`s smallest passenger plane ever built. It was first displayed to the public on July 23rd 2007. It features one engine, 4 seats and a V tale. Many people started ordering the plane and at the time it was priced at $1.35 million. Unfortunately, the company went in bankruptcy and the plane production was put on hold. The list of the smallest airplanes also features the Ray Stits Sky Baby, Bumble Bee 1 and 2, as well as the Baby Bird. Check out the video for more and see how these planes actually look like!

Now, check out these small business jets!