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5 Most Common Types of Car Collisions

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Car collisions are common every day, and these accidents may cause life-changing circumstances if you are not careful enough. Thankfully, there are companies like Carbiz that can help you replace your badly crashed cars when the collision is not your fault. Here are the most common types of car collisions and what you can do to prevent these from happening.

1. Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end collisions happen when you are too near the car in front of you, and that car suddenly hits on the brakes, causing your car to collide with it. While this is not the most damaging, rear-end collisions commonly happen. To avoid this car accident, consider the following:

Always Keep Your Distance

An important tip is to stay as far enough from the car in front of you as possible. Doing this allows you to brake and stop safely while also protecting yourself when the car before you suddenly stops out of the blue. The best way to keep your distance is to stay at least 3 meters behind the car before you, especially when the weather conditions are unsafe.

Drive Strategically and Avoid Any Distractions

Always be wise when driving, and don`t drive when you`re having a bad day to avoid any distraction. If you can, avoid situations that could lead to stepping on the brakes suddenly, and always keep your eyes on the road.

Don`t Drive When You`re Sleepy or Drunk

You`re more likely to encounter dangerous situations like rear-end collisions when tired or drunk. When you`re the one driving, be responsible and stay alert and sober.

2. Single-Vehicle Crashes

Single-vehicle crashes are also common, and they normally involve teen drivers. This type of car collision may include slipping on ice, running off the road, uncontrolled swerving and spinning, and hitting objects on the road such as debris and animals.

The most common root causes of single-vehicle crashes are overspeeding and braking too hard when suddenly encountering an obstacle. To help you avoid this car crash, consider the tips below:

Drive Accordingly, Depending on the Weather 

Drive at speeds that fit the weather, especially when the road is wet from rainy or slippery from snow. Avoid hydroplaning when driving on flooded roads and refresh your driving skills during the winter season because slipping on ice is a common cause of single-vehicle crashes.

Stay Focused

Being alone on the road should not stop you from focusing and paying attention to other objects you see. Avoid using your phone or eating when driving, especially during the winter season.

Don`t Overspeed

Speeding is a common cause of almost all car collisions; it`s a dangerous activity that can cause accidents to you and the people around you. Even when you`re the only car on the road, it`s best to avoid driving too fast.

3. Parked Car Damage

Yes, even when your car is parked, it can still get involved in collisions when another car accidentally hits it. Here are some helpful tips to avoid experiencing parked car collisions:

Select A Space with Fewer Cars

Don`t be lazy and pick the closest parking space, even when it`s the busiest part of the parking area with the most cars. You`re less likely to encounter cars hitting your parked vehicle when you select a space with fewer cars away from traffic.

Maximize the Parking Space

The parking space has enough room for your car, so make sure that you`re parked at the center. Don`t place your car too close to the parking line, preventing your car from getting hit by other vehicles in the adjacent parking spots. When you park at the center, you can also open and swing your doors freely without hitting the cars beside you.

Park Smart

Park in areas that have ample spaces and avoid busy intersections, driveways, and areas with steep turns. When you park on busy streets and tight turns, you`re making your car at risk for side collisions with the vehicles passing by.

4. Backing Collisions

Backing collisions happen when you`re backing out of your parking spot or driveway at home. These are also common when you hit on the reverse to swerve to the next lane. To avoid backing collision accidents from happening, here`s what you can do:

Install a Backup Camera

Installing a backup camera gives you a better view of what`s at the back of your vehicle. It also allows you to estimate how far or near you are from objects and other cars.

If you don`t plan on installing a backup for your car, here are other helpful suggestions:

1. Assess the traffic situation and surroundings before getting in your car.

2. Switch to reverse and back out using the most direct and shortest route.

3. Make sure that you`re reversing in one straight line, and turn only when there are no obstructions like parked vehicles.

4. Always check the traffic surrounding you while slowly backing out.

5. Use your side and rearview mirrors to check your surroundings, and hit on the brakes when you`re completely out of the parking spot.

5. Cross-Traffic or T-Bone Accidents

Car collisions are also common at intersections, and these crashes are called T-bone accidents. Normally, distracted drivers recklessly speed even when it`s a red light or those who make a turn without anticipating the traffic on the other lane cause cross-traffic accidents. The best way to avoid these car collisions is doing the following:

Defensive Driving

Defensive driving involves waiting for the stoplights to turn green and waiting for a second to ensure that the vehicles on the other side are at a stop. When you encounter a yellow light, it`s always safer to be cautious and stop rather than take chances.

Obey Traffic Laws

A driver`s negligence generally causes T-bone accidents, so always make sure you follow traffic rules and regulations. Follow the signs you see on the streets and stop when the light is red. Be extra cautious when you`re behind wheels and stay alert all the time.

Be A Responsible Driver

Accidents happen, and the best way you can avoid these is to drive responsibly and always practice preventive and safe driving. Follow the helpful tips presented above to avoid such car collisions to prevent affecting your daily life.