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1925 Ford Model T Coupe at This Year’s Paris Motor Show!

Amongst the many attractions that could have been seen at 2014 Paris Motor Show, we had the opportunity to see one of the most famous car models in the history of American car manufacturing, the pride and joy of Henry Ford, the one and only 1925 Ford Model T Coupe version. Taking to an account that this is The car that literally changed the world of car production and made a revolution on the car sales market, we have felt obliged to make a video and give you a chance to see how this eternal beauty was presented over there, in France.

COVER 1925 Ford Model T Coupe - Paris Motor Show 2014

I do not know how many of you have actually seen this automobile in live, but for me this was the first time and I have got to tell you that I was utterly impressed. It was almost as if you could feel the spirit of this car, old almost one century, and the enthusiasm that use to drive Henry Ford to build it. Thus, the attention and curiosity amongst the visitors to see this old-timer was great. Here is the video that we have prepared for you to see the legend at one of the biggest car expos in the world.

Besides the 1925 Ford Model T Coupe, check all the videos we made on 2014 Paris Motor Show on our Youtube Chanel HERE!

Enjoy the video below!

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