I will be perfectly honest with you and tell you that even though I have an enormous respect for the Chevy Corvette, and for the work of the legendary engineer Zora Arkus-Duntov and his overall contribution to the American muscle car engineering, it has never been one of my most favorite cars. I`m not exactly sure about the reasons why, but that`s just the way it`s been! But after watching the following video, and seeing this Extreme Widebody SV8 R CORVETTE, I`m changing my mind and opinion for 180º degrees.

So, if you ask me, this is by far the most jaw-dropping Corvette specimen that I have ever seen! According to the information that we could get, the guys had spent three years working on this insane project, creating the mind-blowing design for it, built onto the Corvette C6 and the Corvette C7 chassis. The point was to create an exotic design that will make one`s knee start trembling when he sees it, but still trying to capture the heritage of the previous generations of Chevy Corvettes.

And they have surely managed to nail it, all the way! Thus, take a look at the following video clip that we have prepared for you, and see this ultimate SV8 R CORVETTE beauty yourself! Later on you can share your thoughts about it with us, in the comment section below.

And if you want to find out more technical details about it, go to this link.