Drag Race Camaro 1969 Broke The Middle East World Record By Passing The 1/4 Mile Under 6 Seconds!

Drag races are everywhere! They are gaining popularity throughout the world, not just in the States.We knew that American cars are popular all around the world. We knew that people buy them and race them. But it is amazing to see that the muscle car culture has been spread in Australia, New Zeeland and even the Middle East! Yes, this drag race Camaro that set an amazing 5.82 second record is from the eastern world! Amazingly fast cars over there that will leave you speechless.

This particular video shows us a drag race from the Middle East, more precisely in Bahrein. We always appreciate videos shot from the track. Being behind the main stars in the event is simply breathtaking! We wish we could be there. Watch how Khalid Mohamed sets the 1/4 mile drag racing record in the Middle East! He completes the race in under 6 seconds! This is such an amazing race! The results at the end prove that as well. The Camaro won being .13 seconds faster than its opponent!

The drag race Camaro 1969 definitely has amazing mods as it is a real pleasure to join the 5 second club! Not many people from the States can brag with those kinds of numbers! Last time we went out to the drag strip, 12 was the amazing record number!

Watch how this Pro Mod 1969 Camaro Pat Musi breaks the Middle East World Record at BDRC Round s Finals. The car has 903 Cubic Inch Engine and runs 1/4 mile in 5.82 seconds @ 387 km/h. Pretty impressive, huh? That`s right, you will be even more impressed after watching the video. The launch was our favorite part!

Finally, if you want to see another record form a quad that made the longest jump, follow this link!

Enjoy the video below!

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